Monday, May 8, 2023

Have you read The Crimes of Elizabeth Darcy?

 If so and you enjoyed the novel, it would be very helpful to me if you could leave a review at Amazon and/or Goodreads. I always knew this story wasn't going to be everyone's cup of tea, and reviews help other readers judge whether it's a good choice for them. I want to ensure that those who want this sort of tea get a chance to read it!

Image shows a silhouette of a woman with a burning sailing ship inside the silhouette, with title and author The Crimes of Elizabeth Darcy, Sophie C. Turner

If you have already left a review, I appreciate it deeply. Thank you for supporting my writing!

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 Well, dear readers, I am FINALLY starting a newsletter. This is long overdue for me as a series writer so I am excited (after an exceedingl...