Friday, October 27, 2017

Taking a Bath, and a writing update

The latest in my little series about taking the cure and my trip to England touches on bathing in Bath, country house plunge pools, and Stourhead, which might look familiar:

And I wanted to give everyone a writing update, in case anyone's wondering what's going on with Book 3 in the ACL series. I'm making great progress and am pretty close to having the first draft done, but there are already some pretty substantial edits I know that I want to go back and make. So it will still be a while before I have something that's ready for online beta. I'd always hoped to stay on a book-a-year pace with this series, but this year I'm almost certainly not going to make it. The good news is, at 170,000 words and counting, there will definitely be a lot of book once it's done, even with some of the planned edits being cuts!

Pride and Prejudice Book Club Podcast

 And now for something different from my usual posts!   I sat down with the ladies of the Pride & Prejudice Book Club Podcast for an ext...