Saturday, March 16, 2019

Monday, March 4, 2019

Paperback copy of A Season Lost

UPDATE: It's been claimed

Hi dear readers,

I've got a spare copy of A Season Lost in paperback that I am giving away first-come, first-served. Long story short I signed it with a pen that was not up to snuff, then tried to trace over it with another, and it's not up to the signature quality that I'd usually give out. But I didn't want to throw it away, so I figured I would give it away to someone who knows what they're getting into.

So if you would like a somewhat sloppily signed paperback copy, shoot me an email at sophieturner1805 AT gmail DOT com. First to email gets it!


 Well, dear readers, I am FINALLY starting a newsletter. This is long overdue for me as a series writer so I am excited (after an exceedingl...