Saturday, August 6, 2016

Support for Nook

When I decided to make my books available in Nook format, I had high hopes for it. Unfortunately those hopes just haven't panned out. I'm not likely to sell more than 100 copies of both books in the Constant Love series in that format over the course of the year.

Now, it's not all about sales for me. What's most important to me is expanding my readership, and Nook hasn't proven to be the platform for that when it's compared against what I think Kindle Unlimited can do.For those not familiar with KU, it allows readers to pay a monthly fee to check out an unlimited number of books, storing up to 10 at a time on their Kindles. Authors get paid based on how much the readers read. I've already experimented with KU with Less Proud and More Persuasive, and I've been really impressed with the results.

The restriction with Kindle Unlimited is that content can't be available in any other digital format. In preparation for putting A Constant Love on KU, some readers may have seen that I've removed the original versions from the online sites where they've been posted. Now it's time to take the last step and take it down from Nook.

A Constant Love will be removed on or around September 1 from the Nook store.

A Change of Legacies will be removed on or around November 1 from the Nook store.

I will still offer A Season Lost for a limited time after its release (sometime next year) in the format before it goes into KU and will be removed. At that time I may temporarily open up the other two titles for Nook again, depending on how things are going.

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