Saturday, February 26, 2022

Guest Post at Austenesque Reviews + Writing Update

 Gah, it's been so long since I've done a guest post somehow I neglected to post about it here in my blog! So if you didn't see the link on my social channels, I did a guest post at Austenesque Reviews on writing Lady Anne Darcy for A Generation's Secrets.

I had also been intending to give a blog / writing update. My original plan when I left Austen Authors was to keep posting in this blog about once a month, but I've quite fallen off of that pace in the push to publish A Generation's Secrets. I do still have a bit more from the Lake District left to post, but for the next few months I intend to focus more on restoring the posts that were lost when I left Austen Authors so that they're available in this blog. Unfortunately restoring them hasn't turned out to be as quick and simple as copying and pasting, but I had a lot of key posts that touch on various aspects of my books, so I want to ensure I get them back online.

I'm also making great progress on The Crimes of Elizabeth Darcy. I took advantage of the long weekend in the USA last weekend to do a little writing getaway, and have ploughed right on past the 100,000 word mark – it's now at 114,540. Based on where I'm at in the outline I think it's going to clock in somewhere between 130,000 - 150,000 words, which is a much more reasonable length than I've been working in for my past few books! It will still be a while before I've filled all the gaps and edited it sufficiently for an online beta, but watch this space for more updates.


  1. Can't wait for this new book!

  2. Thank you, Carole! I think it's going to be a fun one. :-)


Pride and Prejudice Book Club Podcast

 And now for something different from my usual posts!   I sat down with the ladies of the Pride & Prejudice Book Club Podcast for an ext...