Thursday, March 21, 2024


 Well, dear readers, I am FINALLY starting a newsletter. This is long overdue for me as a series writer so I am excited (after an exceedingly labyrinthine setup process that somewhat justified my procrastination) to finally have it in place. I plan on sending once a quarter unless there's new writing to update you on, and the first installment won't be out for a little while.

What you can do right now is sign up! You should see a sign up form at the top of my blog, or you can also sign up here

When you sign up, you'll get exclusive bonus writing for the Constant Love series. The first is from Captain Stanton's POV during A Constant Love (some of you may remember this was first hosted on the Just Jane 1813 blog and was not available for many years, so now it's finally back). The second is completely new: a lengthy series of scenes from Darcy's POV during his time in London in A Generation's Secrets. I recall many beta readers wondering what Darcy was up to there, and now you have your chance to know!

This is the first place I've published the newsletter sign up and I am doing a bit of a soft launch with it, so please let me know if you run into any issues signing up or accessing the bonus materials.

Thanks as always for supporting my writing, and I hope you enjoy the bonus materials and newsletter!

cover image with a Royal Navy fire bucket and the text Captain Stanton Writes to Georgiana A Constant Love Bonus Scene

cover image of a London town house and the text Darcy in London A Generation's Secrets Bonus Scenes

Pride and Prejudice Book Club Podcast

 And now for something different from my usual posts!   I sat down with the ladies of the Pride & Prejudice Book Club Podcast for an ext...